Why do I say much sorrow in my heart? Well, there are plenty of reasons for that. I must say that this mega-scooter that you see in the picture taken on its first days with me in 2007 brought me a lot of happiness to life.
First of all, it was my really first serious two-wheel vehicle, after a Java 350 in the nineties and a Burgman 400 from 2005 to 2007. Differently from the other two, this one made me feel a real rider. And as a rider, during these 6 years that it was with me, I managed to run a remarkable number of 130,000 Kms with it.
Secondly, it brought me to meet the most wonderful group of people in Israel: the members of the Israel Burgman Club. A remarkable group and organization which today hosts around 60% of my personal friends.
So I had all the reasons to be sorry for putting the Burgy for sale. I had also one main reason to be worried: the market for Burgmans 650 in Israel is a very difficult one. I should be expecting some months of awaiting until I managed to get it sold.
Well, it seems that in the same way that the Burgman brought me much happiness while it was with me, it has decided to bring me happiness also in the sale process. After 3 weeks from first announcement, the megascooter is sold. Not only sold, sold to someone who I've seen his previous scooter and know he will take good care of this one, and also someone who is almost my neighbor (two buildings apart), so I will continue to see it around the neighborhood.
That actually proves that saying that "when you give love, you receive love back". Also with motorcycles. I've put a lot of efforts in keeping that mega-scooter well, and it returned love to me by being an astonishingly reliable transportation tool, the best entertainment and hobby I could ever wish for, and by selling easily when I needed it to be sold.
So farewell, Burgman, so long and see you around. And please take care of bringing only happiness to your new owner.