During all this time, we have been planning and expecting that COVID would let us go out and have some motorcycle fun.
Our first plans were regarding Scotland. We wanted to spend 2 weeks there, do the NC500 and the highlands. We planned the whole trip up to the details of in which hotel we should sleep. But then we fell into problems: first, we couldn't rent the bikes that we wanted, and even if we compromised on that, renting a 650cc there costs nearly 2000 Euro per week. Renting in London would add another 4 days to the trip which we did not have. So, we decided to go to another location and leave Scotland to the future, whenever either the rental of motorcycles gets cheaper, or whenever we decide to do it by car.
At this point, our doubt became Portugal or Switzerland. I had draft itineraries for both, and at the end we decided for Portugal.